Sunday, March 18, 2012

Winds of change...

Welp back to reality tomorrow, Spring Break was is over. (Yes I am an adult and still get a spring break, gotta love working in schools!) We did absolutly nothing, but thats just what we needed. I have loved just getting to be at home with Frank. Typically I only get to see him for more than an hour a couple days each week. He's a busy bee working full time and going to school full time. Only 56 days until his graduation! I don't know who is more excited ha!

We've been really thinking lately about what path we are going to be taking together. We both wonder if we've chosen the correct career paths. There may or may not be a big change coming soon. But all that really matters to me is that wherever we go, we go together.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Do you hear a truck?

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the items I ordered from Express last week. Its killing me. I keep looking at the little tracking page that says "items are being delivered". I'm really hoping I can wear one of the new shirts tonight.

Things that are distracting me:

Dixie's cuteness

The nerdiness of my husband, who is super into Stargate SG1 at the moment. Thank you netfilx for afflicting our household with your wide range of SciFi gems.

Finding pictures like this on pintrest

I think its time to feed my NCIS addiction...greatest show ever

Saturday, March 3, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things...

When the dog barks
When the bee stings
When I’m feeling sad L

I really wish the Sound of Music was on today. Instead I'm doing a quickie post on a few of my favorite things.
1. My new airbrush makeup! (I've loved airbrush for a long time and am so happy they are coming out with cheaper options)
2. Willow Tree Figurines
               My mom collected these and now remind me of her. We used one as our cake topper.

3. Nude pumps.
I have been searching for a loong time for the perfect pair to purchase. Maybe someday...
4. This guy.
He and his friends made an "igloo" during their snowboarding trip. This picture makes me laugh everytime.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

I Had To

Thankful Thursday

A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have.
·       Thankful that tomorrow is Friday
·       Thankful to have an 80lb dog that thinks she is a poodle
·       Thankful that soon I’ll have two nephews to play hide and seek with

·       Thankful for Taco Cabana
Kaitlyn you’ll have to teach me how to “link up” and be my blogging mentor.

Friday, February 24, 2012

25 Before 25

I'm on a blogging streak, so let’s keep it going!

I love all the "52 things in 2012" and "25 before 25" posts I've seen. I turn 25 this September. That gives me a whopping 29 weeks to accomplish my 25 things. I may or may not have just wasted 10 minutes of my life searching for a calendar before remembering I'm on a laptop.

Totally unrelated but check out this love bug! I’m a little obsessed with this fur angel.

  1. Finally get my BIG GIRL job.
  2. Cheer for my amazing superman husband when he walks across the stage at his graduation.
  3. Hold my sweet baby nephew Hayden, who will grace the world with his grand entrance this May.
  4. Find a decent local church to begin attending.
  5. Celebrate my 1 year wedding anniversary.
  6. Actually wear my cowboy boots to a country concert with of course the perfect dress.
  7. Find a treasure for our home at a local thrift store.
  8. Make dinner for my in-laws
  9. Help Dixie get down to a healthy weight
  10. Get a new tattoo
  11. Go vegetarian for 1 week.
  12. Take a road trip
  13. Refinish my kitchen table and chairs
  14. Do 25 Random acts of kindness
  15. Take a Zumba class
  16. Make my own piece of art to hang in my home.
  17. Take up running
  18. Visit the beach
  19. Go camping
  20. Try a new wine each month
  21. Tail gate and attend a rangers game
  22. Win a game of darts
  23. See a shooting star
  24.  Have a water balloon fight
  25. Reconnect with an old friend.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


A lot of people see Lent as a sort of "New Years resolution" for God. I promise not to eat junk food until Easter, I wont drink Dr. Pappers...etc. This is okay to an extent, but what you should really be doing is making a change that draws you in closer with God. Instead of giving something up, take something up. Volunteer during Lent, make an effort to pray more, be kinder. What I plan to do is set aside 30 minutes each evening to just read the Bible. I have to admit that I've never just read the entire book straigh through before. I really dont want to go to Heaven one day and explain why I could read 7 Harry Potters and 4 Twilights but couldn't read the 1 book for God....might look bad.

Rejoice always, pray continually,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Not So Fat Tuesday

I celebrated Fat Tuesday by finishing off the crumbs in our bag of Sour cream and Onion chips...regretting now bc I hate the greasiness.
When you're in your teens and early 20's you can seriously eat anything without gaining a pound. How many late night Taco Bell runs did we make while living at the Tri Delt house? I would hear, enjoy that metabolism while it lasts Katie, in my mind I thought...psh I'll never loose it. Welp, its gone. At least its slowed down considerably. Now I actually have to watch what I eat and it sucks. I've managed to cut out fast food  completely (I will not tell a lie, I had Rosas Friday because I was too sick to cook.) I also had a 24 hour membership, but I never went. (Like I'm going to drive the whole mile and a half down Bryant Irvin.) I am more of an at home fitness girl. My latest addiction is POPilates. The woman who runs the site is so fun, and talks about random things during the really rough exercises so you don't think about the pain.

This is the link to her blog, she also has a YouTube channel and face book page.

She has tips on healthy eating, tons of free workouts, and even designs her own yoga bags.

Here is a "printable" of one of my fav workouts

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Weekend

Thurday was a long day, one which ended with a scratchy throat and headache. Nothing too serious right?

Friday 5:00 AM- Work up half dead. Not really, but miserable for sure.

I love taking care of people and babying my husband or dog when they are under the weather. When I am sick, I then take over the role as the world's biggest baby. I think I told Frank I was dying like 6 times already. He's such a good sport. He rubs my feet, makes my drinks, buys me meds and takes care of the chores.

I credit him, Nyquil, and the Harry Potter marathon for my recovery.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Best Days of Our Lives

My Dad always has the best stories. This guy has really lived. Therefore, he also is the best person to go to for adivce or encouragement. He and my mom started off very humbly, living in an old farm house on his grand-dad's land. (my family is very country). They didn't have very much at all when they started out, having married at age 18 and 19. It was really hard, but he said looking back those were some of the greatest days of his life.

These words have never rang more truely than now. I am living them myself (except I live in a nice apartment rather than an old farmhouse whoes pipes would freeze in the winter). Marrying before your career is established is a scary thing. My husband works 5 nights a week, then gets up at goes to class full time in the afternoon. I work every day as a substitute teacher. I'm also responsible for preparing every meal we eat, and all household duties. Putting it that way, it doesn't sound like much, but funny how a little cooking and cleaning can take up your entire evening.

Working a lot, and living on a small budget leaves little room for extras like dinner dates, movies, vacations etc. Before we were married we would always be out doing one thing or another. Now we love spending our precious little free time together just enjoying eachother's company. And you know what? I love it. We have grown to appreciate eachother on a whole new level. Franks works his butt off 24/7 to provide for us and ensure our future, and yet he calls me his "super woman" for the small stuff I take care of. I see couples who are constantly going out to dinner, on vacation going going and going. This is great if you can afford it, but I feel like taking those out of our lives have taught us how to appreciate the little things in life. And knowing that we can have a fantastic time just watching random Jenna Marbles youtube videos together and just feeling complete is why these are the bet days of our lives.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Apartment Livin

I feel like even though we live in a very nice apartment, I keep noticing weird quirky things about it...

This weeks oddity:  I always can tell when our neighbors are pooping. The walls are very thin, and the two master bathrooms must share a wall because I can always hear when their "poop fan" goes on. We don't really ever use that thing. so I'm not sure if they know us as intimately as we know them. Awkward.